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Taxation & Gift Aid Services

We provide extensive knowledge and support in the following areas: Personal and Corporation Tax, Charity Tax, Compliance, Advice, Gift Aid, VAT and Trust & Estate Tax Returns.

Charity Tax

Charity Tax & VAT

It is a common misconception that charities are exempt from tax. Charities can take advantage of a variety of tax exemptions – income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax, VAT reliefs and business rates relief to name a few. But charities are operating in an increasingly commercial way and understanding when exemptions and reliefs apply to a Charity can be tricky. We have a detailed knowledge of Charity tax exemptions and reliefs and experience in how to structure your activities in the most tax-efficient way. We can help you understand the nuances of when fundraising becomes taxable trading, and when a council funded project becomes a VATable supply of services.

VAT for charities is a particularly complex and specialised subject which include:

Taxation Services

Corporation Tax

Appointing us as your Tax Agent will ensure your company’s tax affairs are handled efficiently and tax-effectively. We will offer advice on how to structure your business in order to minimise your tax liability. We will also prepare all the necessary tax computations and file your tax return in iXBRL format, using HMRC approved software.

Personal Tax

Tax returns can be daunting and keeping up to date with constant changes in tax legislation can be a real challenge. We can take care of your personal tax affairs by completing your income tax returns, preparing the necessary computations, income and expenditure reports, and offering advice about reducing your tax liability.

Gift Aid

We can offer advice on all aspects of the gift aid scheme, including how to register for the scheme, what records to keep, how to maximise gift aid potential, and meeting gift aid requirements on specific issues such as donor benefits, admission fees, and membership schemes.

Gift Aid Claims Service

Are you claiming your Gift Aid donations from HMRC?

For many charities this is a valuable source of revenue, so make sure you are not missing out on this opportunity. If you need help, not sure how to claim or register for the scheme or perhaps not sure what records to keep, then give us a call and let us help you to maximise your gift aid potential.

Our Gift Aid claims department provides tailor-made services to claim Gift Aid from the HMRC on your behalf.

Taxation Services

Independent Examiners and Charity Specialists with a wealth of Knowledge, skill, expertise

We will take care of your accounting and administrative services and take the load off you.