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Consultancy & Advice Services

Consultancy & Advice Services

Consultancy & Advice

Our consultancy services aim to be extensive, customised and flexible. Starting from registration and structuring to cloud based accounting systems and outsourced solutions for your operational and regulatory needs.

Accounting Software

The right accounting software can save lots of time when it comes to bookkeeping and reporting financial information. There are many products on the market and choosing one that is suitable for the size and nature of your organisation is not always easy.

We can help you to select an appropriate software package and install it for you, ensuring it is configured to your specific needs. We can also train your staff to use the software and offer support on an ongoing basis.

Review of Accounting Systems

Accounting systems and processes often evolve organically, and over time they can become outdated, unwieldy and cease to meet the organisation’s reporting needs. This can result in inefficiencies and poorly presented financial information.

We have worked with many organisations to overhaul their accounting systems. This can involve buying new accounting software, but more often it simply involves making better use of an existing system. For example, redesigning the nominal code structure, introducing the use of department/cost centre codes, implementing fund tracking, designing new reports, developing Excel tools and automating processes (such as posting transactions by CSV import).

Consultancy & Advice

We are happy to undertake ad hoc consultancy projects across a variety of disciplines. Here are some examples of projects we have done recently: recruitment of finance personnel, Charity and company restructures and trading operations, a review of financial systems and controls, advising on risk management, helping Trustees to draft realistic reserves policies and writing a financial procedures manual. If you have a project that you would like some help with, please call us to arrange an initial consultation to discuss the scope of the work.

Consultancy & Advice Services

Independent Examiners and Charity Specialists with a wealth of Knowledge, skill, expertise

We will take care of your accounting and administrative services and take the load off you.